For confusing the word "ligamentotomiya" hides a much sought after by many men increase the penis. The Internet is full of advertisements with these proposals, but the effectiveness of conservative procedures, few believe. Well, if you purchased the "wonder drug" simply prove to be useless. Worse, when the damage applied, and the health of the men, and his wallet. Still hopes are pinned on plastic surgeons. When a man satisfied with his sex organ is pleased with himself, his self-esteem match up, in an intimate relationship is more comfortable.
There are rules of size dignity the male?
Of course, the rigid frame of normal size, no one has established, and this is stupid, if it were not so. Men invent, it is sufficient if the size of his penis, focusing on one's own aesthetic views and preferences of your partner. Note that the length of the penis does not affect the degree of satisfaction of women during sexual intercourse. Yet the deviation from the norm is the phenomenon of micro-penis length of the penis in erect state is at least 8 cm

The length and thickness of the penis provided genetically, and predetermined characteristics of physical growth and development of the boy. If due to some reasons in puberty was observed in the insufficient production of testosterone, that is the probability of disorders of the development of the sexual organs external.
The increase of the thickness of the penis
To increase the diameter of the penis developed different methodologies. We do not consider these methods, such as the introduction under the skin of various gel balls, pastes, vaseline, as well as are filled with huge complications. The only way remains transfer under the skin of the penis with a piece of fabric, taken from another sector.
This transplant are of the buttocks. On the penis, peel skin, take a strip of skin with the sc-fat layer with the buttocks, for example, and wrap them with the shaft of the penis, and then it all comes back, takes refuge in the skin of the penis. In the end, there was an increase in the thickness of the penis 1-2 cm Is not little, in fact, but if you want more, suitable for the technique.
The meaning of a second method of penis enlargement is to move on the penis flap of muscle tissue. Just as there are vascular bundles, their attention to connect with its blood vessels in the penis. The tide of blood during the excitation of a network of extra blood causes an increased hardening of penis and its thickness increases.
Increase of the penis, both in length and
The penis is not only visible to the eye, a hand, about half of its length is hidden in the pelvis. To add a couple of inches long, the doctor releases the hidden portion, and sewing the skin. The patient is set under general anesthesia, after which the physician examines the suspensory a beam of the penis. The dissection and results in the elongation of the penis due to its hidden part.
After a surgery of increase of the penis the patient should wear an extender for 2-6 hours a day for 3-4 months. This is done in order to consolidate the result of the operation, to encourage the growth of the tissues of the penis, prevent the formation of adhesions. From the sex life you refuse to at least 3 weeks. It is recommended that you wear not only not narrow, and supports the underwear.
If a man is fixed in such a transaction, you need to be prepared to take the risk and fear of complications. And the complications can be in the form of:
- Bleeding, swelling and infection.
- Deformation of the penis.
- Loss of normal sensitivity.
- Instability during the excitation, the so-called "subluxation" during sexual intercourse.
- The change in the angle of erection (not upward and forward or downward).
- Disorders of erection.
More than half of patients expect it is not the result of an operation, that you get at the end. In the course of studies established that repeated manipulations do not lead to the desired a man effect. Then, a hundred times, before making the decision to increase the penis. Surgical indication is only the length of the penis less than 8 cm in an excited state, in all other cases it is better to settle for what is and be in good health, earn a bunch of unnecessary complications.